08 September 2014

The World of Coca Cola

If you were to travel around the world and ask random people one question, "What is the most popular soda?", chances are, the answer would be Coca-Cola. But how did this multi-billion dollar company get its start? How did the famous logo and its even more famous taste come to fruition? To find out the answer to these questions and more, you would have to travel to the home of Coca-Cola in Atlanta, Georgia and enter The World of Coca-Cola. When you first enter the museum, you will come across the 7 coke bottles designed in an artsy fashion. Those bottles and more deeper inside the museum come from all over the world. You may have to wait awhile, but the next area is full of coke memorabilia including some of the oldest artifacts from the early days of Coke.

From here, you will watch a short film and then make your way into the main area. The tour is self guided but if you want to do things in a chronological order, start with The Vault. The vault tells of how Dr. John Pemberton invented the perfect recipe for Coca-Cola and how secret it truly is. Of course, if you think you have what it takes to recreate the famous concoction, you are more than welcome to try with an interactive exhibit that allows you to attempt to recreate the famous coke flavor. Before you exit the Vault exhibit, you will get to bear witness to some incredible. What if I told you that, there is only one copy of the original Coke recipe, of which is located in a very well secured vault here in the museum. DO NOT try and approach it. First off you wouldn't be able to access it anyways without proper hand prints. But more than that, if you go past a certain point, alarms will go off.

From here, make your way into the evolution exhibit. Here you will learn how the famous Cursive logo of Coke was created, and you will also be able to Try and recreate it for yourself. Good luck with that by the way. Now over the years, Coke evolved from just making drinks to making memorabilia like wallets and refrigerators. You will also see some of the earliest coke bottles and why they were designed as such. Furthermore, it was such a huge hit in the US that it eventually made its way to all corners of the globe. Coke has other products that you may or may not know about. Fanta, Dasani, Mr. Pibb, and Hi-C Are just some of these products which are displayed on a wall. Coke has had such an enormous impact on the world that today it is one of, if not the biggest sponsor of The Olympics and Special Olympics. 

Straight across from this exhibit you will get to see how the bottling process works. From cleaning to filling and even capping the signature glass coke bottles. At the end of the entire tour, these bottles are given out to the museum visitors as a complementary coke on the house. 

After coming full circle from where you started at The Vault, be sure to snap a photo with the famous Coca-Cola Polar Bear before heading upstairs. Upstairs, you will venture into the Coca-Cola Art exhibit. As I said before, Coke has been such a big influence in the world. As such it was even inspired people to create art using coke as their source of inspiration, both literally and figuratively. One of these people was Famous Georgia born artist Howard Finster. Among other art pieces are items made of coke cans or inspired by coke bottles. 

Of course, what art gallery wouldn't be complete without the famous Coke drinking Santa Claus collection? While you are here, snap a photo of yourself on sitting on the couch surrounded by antique coke art. Also, let the kids release their inside artist when they can design a coke bottle of their own.  Got a story of how coke has inspired you or that one time where coke made your day better? Write it down and if coke likes it, they will feature it on their wall.

From here, I went to the theater for a 4-D Showing. Its a short film that last maybe about 10 minutes. But it is filled with moving chairs, water being sprayed about and a lot of laughs. When you exit, you will come across various pictures of FIFA world Cup trophy tour. Coke is also a major sponsor of FIFA. Now after all the exhibits, starting out with how coke was formed, to how it became the colossal global drink it is today, we have one final exhibit. This is where the real fun begins. At the end of it all, you will get to try 60 different flavors from around the world. Can you try them all? good luck because I sure couldn't. 

Everyone has had just a regular coke. But maybe you would like to try Guarana Kuat from Brazil, BonBon Anglais from Madagascar, or even Beverly from Italy. All of these are products of coke. Now before you leave, first off do not forget your free coke bottle, complements of the Coca-Cola company. Now in all of my past posts, the gift store has been a decent size with the usual t-shirts and mugs. The gift shop in the Coke museum is no ordinary gift store however. Everything that you could imagine that has a coke label is available to buy here. Nail polish, personalized coke bottles, dinnerware, Monopoly board game, purses, Pajamas, even replicas of antique coke advertisements, all of which are on sale for a decent price. 

From it's humble beginnings to the gigantic memory making drink that it is now, Coca-Cola has become the centerpiece for almost every family gathering in the world. Dr. John Pemberton couldn't have imagined the impact his secret recipe would have made in the future. So next time you have a coke, remember that is was Dr. Pemberton that was able to make it happen. 

Entertainment: 5
Educational: 5
Price: 5
Cafe: N/A
Gift Shop: 5
Overall: 5

Additional Information

Address: 121 Baker St NW, Atlanta, GA (Right Across from the Georgia Aquarium)

Hours of Operation: See Website for Hours of Operation

Toddler (0-2): Free
Youth (3-12): $12
Adult (13-64): $16
Seniors (65+): $14
Military with ID: Free

For additional information, visit: http://www.worldofcoca-cola.com/

14 July 2014

Georgia Aquarium

To date, we have only explored less than 5% of our oceans. Out of that 5% we have made amazing discoveries in terms of animal life. Some of these amazing animals can only be found in the Georgia Aquarium. In this aquarium lies 6 sections to be explored. Each section explores a different area of the world and also features a unique tour that can be payed for. Be warned however, the special tours are NOT cheap. You can choose any section you like to start off with. In the first section I went to was the dolphin tales show. The dolphin tales show features a captivating story of Captain Starspinner and his dolphin friends who seek to stop the evil sea monster and its reign of terror on the high seas. The show is a musical made mostly for the kids, yet the story line is pretty good as is the music and singing. The dolphin action however, is considerably less than one would expect of a dolphin show.

From here, I made my way into the Georgia Explorer exhibit. Much like the Dolphin show, this section too is mostly made for the kids. That being said, however, both child and adult will be able to touch various sea creatures that include, the sea urchin, star fish, and this lovely little guy, the Stingray.

In the same area as the stingray, your little one can captain his own fishing boat as he makes he way to the "bridge" to operate the throttle, horn and even steering wheel. Also in this exhibit, check out 2 albino alligators and a few fun loving otters. Once I was done exploring the waters of Georgia, I decided to head to deeper waters in the Ocean Voyage exhibit. One of the main attractions here is the the underwater tunnel that allows you to view not one, not two, but 3 massive whale sharks and the massive manta rays that roam the tank along side, other rays, groupers and smaller fish.

Seeing these Ginormous creatures was like watching an underwater airshow. The immense size of just the manta ray alone was enough to make my jaw hit the floor. One of the special tours here is getting to dive or snorkel alongside these gentle giants. By the way, in case you were wondering, while the whale shark is considered a shark, meat is not one of its entrees. It feeds off krill and plankton. After rising up from the deep ocean depths, make your way into the frigid waters of the Arctic Ocean in Cold Water Quest. Here you get to play with penguins and swim with the elegant Beluga whales. The special tour here is simply getting to interact with one of the white whales.

Once you warm yourself up, its time to visit the Beaches of Tropical Diver. Here you will get to touch a sea anemone and see various types of sea creatures that live in the warm oceans. The most notable of these is of course the Jellyfish. You can also see an actual shark hatchery. 

The final area of the aquarium is the dedicated to River creatures, such as the piranha. If you are itching for a bite to eat here. Check out the Cafe Aquaria. The food is a bit pricey but is worth what you pay for. Before you leave, visit the gift shop for all sorts of interesting items. One particular item of interest is the glow in the dark glass blown jellyfish. Yes you read that right. It is a jellyfish design inside a glass orb that when the lights go out, the jellyfish glows. Another item of interest is the inflatable remote controlled fish. You might see them a lot more in malls come Christmas time but the aquarium sells them year around. The aquarium is designed to be an all day adventure with the various exhibits, shows, and interactive touch pools for the kids. At the end of the day though, the amount of creatures seen will make for one heck of a family experience that is sure to leave behind memories. 

Entertainment: 4
Price: 2
Cafe: 3
Giftshop: 3
Overall: 3

Additional Information

Address: 225 Baker St. NW, Atlanta GA

Hours of Operation: See Website for Hours 

Adult: (13-64): $35.95                                    Scuba diving: $334.95             Snorkeling: $234.95
Child (3-12) $29.95                                        Beluga Interaction: $179.95
Seniors (65+) $31.95                                      Dolphin Encounter (not the show): $64.95  
Military Receives 15% off.                               Sea Otter and Penguin Encounter: $59.95

For More Information, visit: http://www.georgiaaquarium.org/

12 July 2014

Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield

Of all the events that took place during the American Civil War, one of the more famous events was the complete destruction of Atlanta by Major General William Tecumseh Sherman in his March to the Sea. However, did you know that there was one battle that postponed the inevitable destruction that was sure to come by General Sherman? The battle became known as The Battle of Kennesaw Mountain and was fought by normal townsfolk who never even owned a single slave. On 27 June 1864, Confederate troops and artillery led by General Joseph E. Johnson successfully repelled the Yankee assault led by General Sherman. Sherman, having lost over 3,000 men included fellow Generals Charles Harker and Danial McCook called the battle "the hardest fight of the campaign to date". In the end, however, Sherman successfully completed his march to the sea and thus crippled the already losing Confederacy. To get a deeper understanding of both the Civil war and the Battle of Kennesaw, the place you should visit is the Visitors center, which houses a small museum with actual civil war artifacts and the gift shop. One of these artifacts is the actual uniform worn by Lt. Col. Columbus M. Sykes of the 43rd Mississippi Infantry. And no It was not considered Mississippi Army National guard at the time as they were part of the Confederate States of America and thus considered a sovereign state.

Now most of the time I say visit the gift store after seeing everything. However once you exit the museum the gift shop is right there. In the gift shop, of course is the regular stuff. However it is filled with more unique items such as Confederate Regimental Flags, mini cannon replicas, and even models of Confederate Ironclads. Now once you are done with the gift shop, make your way up to the top of Big Kennesaw Mountain. You can either hike or drive up there. As you go up the road, there is a monument to the Georgia Infantry that fought on the mountain. On the very top, you can clearly see the city of Atlanta as well as other geographic features. Also on the mountain are 5 cannons that bombarded the union troops on the ground below.

Among the park are other areas that were crucial to The Battle of Kennesaw Mountain including the HQ of General Johnson and later General Sherman. Even though the fight to stop General Sherman and his march to the sea was in vain, The Battle of Kennesaw Mountain was among the many unsung battles fought in the Civil War that led to the eventual end and reunification of the United States of America. After the war, General Sherman was quoted to say "There is many a boy here today that looks on war as all glory, but, boys, it is all hell."

Entertainment: 3
Educational: 5
Price: N/A
Gift Shop: 4
Cafe: N/A
Overall: 4

Additional Information

Address: 900 Kennesaw Mountain Dr., Kennesaw, GA

Hours Of Operation: See Website for Operating Times

Price: Free Admission, Donations are welcome

For More Information, visit: http://www.nps.gov/kemo/index.htm

Barksdale Global Power Museum

Barksdale Air Force Base. Named after Eugene Hoy Barksdale and home to the Global Strike Command. It is this command who orchestrated some of the earliest coordinated bombings of WWII and continues to do so over the skies of Afghanistan. At the Global Power Museum, you will see various pieces of art, photography, and items used over the years by the various bombers that called Barksdale home. The museums is separated into two sections. The first houses the art gallery of various artist who painted pictures of certain missions and aircraft. One of these is the deadly A-10 Thunderbolt II.

As you make your way from the art gallery, the next area you will come across is the War in the Middle East. Did you know that bombs were not the only things bombers dropped over Iraq after 9/11? They also dropped Leaflet propaganda to scare the enemy into surrendering. These, among other items, are on display for your viewing. Right across from this room is the E. H. Barksdale History. E.H. Barksdale was a pilot in WWI and after the war became a Test pilot for the Army Air Corp. He was killed when his parachute got entangled in an unrecoverable aircraft wing.

The second section, which is outside, contains numerous static displays. Among these are the still highly secretive SR-71 Blackbird, B-24 Liberator, The Famous B-52, the British Vulcan Bomber and my personal favorite, the B-17 Flying Fortress. All of the static displays come with an information placard that tells of the specifications and history of the plane. Between the displays are several memorials remembering those who were lost in the 2nd Bomb wing, Operation Linebacker II and Vietnam Skyspotters. One of the more famous skyspotters was Medal of Honor Recipient CMSGT Richard L. Etchberger

Before you leave, visit the gift shop for various model aircraft, squadron patches, bomber wine corks, and Aircraft art posters. The Global Power Museum depicts how the bomber has advanced over the ages with new technology, and with it, the ability to always stay one step ahead of those who would seek to destroy this great nation.

Entertainment: 3
Educational: 4
Price: N/A
Cafe: N/A
Gift Shop: 4
Overall: 4

Additional Information

Address: 88 Shreveport Rd, Barksdale AFB, LA
*NOTE* While this Museum is on a military installation, it is open to civilians. You must enter through the visitors center which is right next to the museum and you must have a Government Issued ID to get through the gate.

Hours of Operation:
Sun - Sat: 9:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Closed on Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years Day

Price: Admission is Free, Donations are welcome.

For More information, visit: http://barksdaleglobalpowermuseum.com/

06 July 2014

Blackberry Festival (McLoud, OK)

McLoud Oklahoma was once known as The Blackberry Capital of the World. As such, they host the annual Blackberry festival every first weekend of July. In this festival (another small town festival) they have all sorts of blackberry concoctions. Jam, Cobbler, Ice cream, if you name it they probably have it. The festival opens up at 8 in the morning with a car show. At 10, the parade begins. The parade features a good number of old time cars and tractors. Of course it is the ones that stand out like this pink John Deere Tractor for Breast Cancer Awareness.

At 2  p.m is when the real fun begins. What festival wouldn't be complete with a good ole fashioned pie eating contest? Contestants plant their faces in blackberry cobbler to see who can eat the most plates. Needless to say the end result can be quite messy.

The winner this year ate a staggering 6 plates of cobbler and earned himself a tummy ache. Of course once you eat the cobbler wash it down with some tasty blackberry wine from Oak Hills Winery. Now unfortunately because of Oklahoma liquor laws, they local winery cannot ship wine out nationally so that means that if you want to try authentic Oklahoma blackberry wine, you have to go to Oklahoma. At 7 p.m is the blackberry King and queen coronation. The blackberry queen is chosen by the city using dollars as votes well before the festival. The 2nd and 3rd place runner ups are named the blackberry prince and princesses.

Between the Cobbler Gobbler and the coronation, you will have plenty of time to ride some of the rides the festival has to offer as well as eat some amazing festival food. One particular item i highly recommend is the Blackberry Newburg. An excellent dessert that will be sure to fill you up.

As the sun sets, the last event is an impressive fireworks display that will leave you cheering. The festival is an all day event but because it is in July, I Highly recommend sunscreen, and plenty of water. The blackberry festival is probably one of the more delicious festivals I have covered and comes highly recommended and is certainly worth the trip. Be sure to buy some jam to take home with you so that you can remember the good times you had in McLoud Oklahoma.

Entertainment: 4
Educational: N/A
Price: 4
Cafe (food): 4
Gift shop: N/A
Overall: 4

Additional Information

Address: 215 S. 6th Street, McLoud OK

Hours of Operation:
1st Saturday of July: 8 a.m. to 12 a.m.

Price: Free Admission

For more Information, visit. http://www.travelok.com/listings/view.profile/id.19661/

Green Corn Festival (Bixby, OK)

Come on admit it! Who doesn't like a good ole fashioned corn on the cob? Well make your way to the annual Green Corn Festival where you can enjoy a nice roasted juicy corn on the cob that will make you coming back for more. But it is not just about the corn, like any small town festival, they have other food to try such as these amazing fruit filled fried pies. Think of them as fried fruit gushers.

Also like any small town festivals, they have local vendors selling local goods that, in many cases, you cannot find anywhere else. One of these vendors is Towhead Salsa. Now when it comes to hot stuff, I myself am a bit of a wuss. I like to enjoy my food and not feel the need to take a fire extinguisher to my mouth. Towhead salsa has salsas that range from Mild to the Extreme Habanero hot sauce. They do ship nationally and a link will be provided near the end of this post. One of the other vendors is Horizon animal hospital that offers adoption services at the festival. A pet of the post will be provided at the very end of this post. Now with all the food and vendors be sure to take part in the music in the gazebo at the center of the park as well as the rides that a festival wouldn't be complete with.

The Green Corn Festival is a fun filled family event that if sure to fill the stomach and the soul. From rides to music to fantastic food, this is one event that is a a yearly tradition for any family that loves corn.

Entertainment: 4
Educational: N/A
Price: 3
Cafe (Food): 4
Gift Shop: N/A
Overall: 4

Additional Information

Address: Bixby, Oklahoma

Hours of Operation:
Starts 4th Thursday of every June
Thursday: 5 p.m. - 10 p.m.
Friday: 6 p.m. - 11 p.m.
Saturday: 7:30 p.m. - 12 a.m.

Price: Free Admission

For additional Information, visit: http://www.travelok.com/listings/view.profile/id.18632/event.6611

Thank you to Towhead Salsa for allowing me to use you in this post. To order from them visit: http://towheadproducts.com/


This is Xena. She is a German Shepard Belgian Malinois mix and only a year old. Because she is still very much a puppy she comes with free obedience training. She has all of her shots and has been spaded. She is great around kids and other dogs, not so much around cats. If you would like to adopt Xena or an animal like her call Horizon Animal Hospital at (918)493-5757.

04 July 2014

Write to the Blog!

I now have an official email address for my blog. If you know of ways that I can further improve the blog or just want to drop me a line to tell me how good I am doing (or not) then write to americanattractions@usa.com. I try to post as much as I can while at the same finishing up my schooling so if I dont post right away, it means that I am either busy with studying for my federal exams, or am catching up with other posts. Thanks for your support.

Seaba Station Motorcycle Museum (RT66)

What better way to traverse good ole Route 66 than on a motorcycle. Letting the wind go through your hair as we all know you were "Born to be wild". Well in Oklahoma at an old gas station lies the Seaba Station Motorcycle museum. The museum offers a wide variety of vintage bikes including this 1913 Pope Motorcycle.

The Museum is pretty small with two sections of motorcycles and motorcycle memorabilia. One of these items is an Eval Knievel pinball machine as well as his helmet, signed by him. Among the other bikes are motocross bikes made by Rupp and Montessa, to name a few, and even a police bike.

Before you leave. Be sure to visit the gift shop for the usual items. The also have vintage license plates, if you are into collecting those, and toys for the kids. Near the back is an antique shop as well. If you kids with you, they might also enjoy riding on of the two kiddie bike rides in the shop as well.

Entertainment: 3
Educational: 3
Price: 3
Cafe: N/A
Gift Shop: 4
Overall: 3

Additional Information

Address: 336992 Oklahoma 66, Chandler, OK

Hours of Operation:
Sun - Sat: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Closed on Wednesdays

Price: Free, donations are accepted.

For more information, visit: http://www.seabastation.com/

01 July 2014


Its a gas station, restaurant, and it also has every soda you can think of, including those you would never want to think of. The restaurant is always busy with an average wait time of about 20 minutes. However, once you taste the quality of the food, you may come to find out that it was worth the wait. While you wait though, check out some of the sodas Pops has to offer.

Now you can't have a soda shop without the usual Coke, Dr. Pepper, or Mountain Dew brands. But you will find that this is no ordinary soda shop. In fact not only will you find the sodas you grew up with like Nehi, Jarritos, and 7-Up, you will also find unique sodas that taste like Cactus fruit, Fruit drinks, and oddly enough, Ranch dressing. If you ever plan on doing a Route 66 roadtrip, then Pops is a place you must stop at for "Fuel, Food and Fizz".

Entertainment: N/A
Eductional: N/A
Price: 4
Cafe: 4
Gift shop: 4
Overall: 4

Additional Information

Address: 660 Oklahoma 66, Arcadia, OK

Hours Of Operation:
Lunch/Dinner Served Daily 10:30 - 9 p.m.
Breakfast only on Sat and Sun :7 a.m. - 10:30 p.m.
Store opens at 6 a.m.and closes at 10 p.m.

Price: See Website for prices

For more Information, visit: http://www.route66.com/ 

17 June 2014

Krebs Heritage Museum

One of my earlier posts was done on a small town museum in McLoud Oklahoma. Well this one is is located in the even smaller town of Krebs Oklahoma. It used to be an old mining town and as a result has items that detail part of this towns history. A lot of the items however in this town are replicas but it shows a little of what of the history that is in Krebs. One part of the museum is dedicated to all the major families of Krebs and some of the items that tell of that families history such as these old mining helmets.

Quite a few people served in the various wars that this country has been involved in. Back then taking items from the enemy to keep as sort of a memento was a common occurrence. One such interesting item is on display at the museum. Someone from Krebs who probably served in WWI passed this Prussian battle helmet to his kids and grand kids until they donated it to the museum.

Then you have the items that can send a chill up your spine. Once again, someone from Krebs helped in the invasion of West Germany back in WWII and picked up this German Luger as well as what looks to be A Nazi Youth exercise outfit.

The museum take about 15 minutes to walk around through and view all the items but some of the items you probably will not find anywhere else so it is certainly worth visiting this museum. The gift shop sells only three items. T-shirts, Hats and Mugs. Admission is free but like all small town museums, donations are accepted.

Entertainment: 2
Educational: 3
 Price: N/A
Gift Shop: 3
Overall: 3

Additional Information

Address: 85 S. Main, Krebs OK

Hours of Operation:
Thurs - Sat 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Price: Free Admission. Donations Accepted

For More Information visit: http://www.krebsmuseum.com/

Lincoln County Pioneer Museum (RT66)

Oklahoma seems to be famous for a lot of things. From the local hangout of wild west outlaws, to the famous Route 66. Of course life wasn't all it was cracked up to be like it is now. Times were hard and the average lifespan was considerably shorter than it is today. To give you just a small taste what pioneer life was is what the Lincoln County Pioneer Museum offers to show. There are plenty of old artifacts from the old days in the museum and some of them will make you wonder how the early pioneers kept sane let alone survived. As you enter the museum, one of the first things you will see is a the remaining items of Avery Oklahoma, which is one of the many ghost towns here in Oklahoma. Close by to that is a car invoice made in chandler back in 1926. If only we could pay $500 now for a car.

From here, head into the next room where there is a plethora of old artifacts. Here you can see the dress of the day art made of Famous Oklahoma Olympian Jim Thorpe, and art made of the famous gunfighter Bill Tilghman who you will see more if later on in the exhibit. Chandler is also known for the invention of the Parking meter....We apologize. Also be sure to check out this unused fire extinguished from 1900. Still with the contents inside.

From here, make your way past the large antique camera collection where you will see a group of antique violins next to several intricately made eggshell art. There is a collection of several guns nearby as well including one unique gun that used a fuse instead of a trigger to fire. You will also see an article of two bank robbers made by Henry Starr, son of Infamous Belle Starr. Like mother like son it seems. Next to the article is an antique Printing press and Linotype machine.

Now from here, you can go one of two ways. One way will take you into what a pioneer kitchen might look like back in the day. Go the other way upstairs and you will enter the Military collection. Up stairs the first item you will see is a 45 star flag. The collection has items from the civil war, all the way up to the modern day. Some particular items of interest at the WWI uniform of a fallen Oklahoma Guardsman and A collection of Confederate States of America (CSA) Bank Notes.

In the last area of the museum, venture into the mind of Marshall Bill Tilghman and his collection of artifacts including his Law books. After that, check out your typical pioneer school house. After seeing some of the artifacts, including the rules of being a teacher back in 1915, I can sure say I am glad we have progressed from that point. From here, venture into the area where you will see what a typical Medical facility was like back in the say as well as a pioneer house living room and childrens room was like.

After visiting the museum, you may come to have a greater understanding to the harder life that the early pioneers lived and leave with a greater appreciation for the modern amenities we have today. Be sure to visit the gift shop for the usual souvenir as well as some Route 66 Memorabilia books, and even edible treats. Also If you would like to do some research or look up your ancestors in the Lincoln County, visit the small library next to the gift shop.

Entertainment: 3
Educational: 4
Price: 4
Cafe: N/A
Gift Shop: 3
Overall: 4

Additional Information

Address: 717 Manvel Ave.

Hours Operation:
Tues - Sat. 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Closed on Sunday and Monday

Price: Admission is Free and donations are welcome

For more Information, visit: http://www.travelok.com/listings/view.profile/id.4530

16 June 2014

Chandler Ice Cream Festival

They say good things always come in pairs. Tom & Jerry, Bread and Butter, etc. Well Oklahoma has not one, but two ice cream festivals. Not to be confused with the Tuttle Ice Cream Festival, this festival is considerably smaller and is hosted by a different dairy company. The Tuttle Ice Cream festival is hosted by Braums, where as Chandler Ice Cream festival is hosted By Hiland Dairy. The festival once a year on the second weekend every June. The Ice Cream is free for the taking but only comes in 4 flavors.Among the small park are inflatables and face painting  for this kids, and a zip line for the older folks.

Most of the local vendors offer food instead of unique items for sale. Nothing I found was over $10 so you will certainly be saving a buck. There were a few vendors like the local 4-H that was selling flavor wood smoke in a can made for your grill.

The Chandler Ice cream festival might be small but you get free ice cream, entertainment for the kids and a good juicy burger for the small amount of time you are there. So next year, visit the Tuttle Ice cream festival In May, and the Chandler Ice Cream festival in June.

Entertainment: 3
Educational: N/A
Price: 4
Cafe: N/A
Gift Shop: N/A
Overall: 4

Additional Information

Address: Tilghman Park, Chandler, OK

Hours of Operation: 2nd Saturday of June 12 p.m. - 5 p.m.

For more Information, visit: http://www.travelok.com/listings/view.profile/id.17950