12 July 2014

Barksdale Global Power Museum

Barksdale Air Force Base. Named after Eugene Hoy Barksdale and home to the Global Strike Command. It is this command who orchestrated some of the earliest coordinated bombings of WWII and continues to do so over the skies of Afghanistan. At the Global Power Museum, you will see various pieces of art, photography, and items used over the years by the various bombers that called Barksdale home. The museums is separated into two sections. The first houses the art gallery of various artist who painted pictures of certain missions and aircraft. One of these is the deadly A-10 Thunderbolt II.

As you make your way from the art gallery, the next area you will come across is the War in the Middle East. Did you know that bombs were not the only things bombers dropped over Iraq after 9/11? They also dropped Leaflet propaganda to scare the enemy into surrendering. These, among other items, are on display for your viewing. Right across from this room is the E. H. Barksdale History. E.H. Barksdale was a pilot in WWI and after the war became a Test pilot for the Army Air Corp. He was killed when his parachute got entangled in an unrecoverable aircraft wing.

The second section, which is outside, contains numerous static displays. Among these are the still highly secretive SR-71 Blackbird, B-24 Liberator, The Famous B-52, the British Vulcan Bomber and my personal favorite, the B-17 Flying Fortress. All of the static displays come with an information placard that tells of the specifications and history of the plane. Between the displays are several memorials remembering those who were lost in the 2nd Bomb wing, Operation Linebacker II and Vietnam Skyspotters. One of the more famous skyspotters was Medal of Honor Recipient CMSGT Richard L. Etchberger

Before you leave, visit the gift shop for various model aircraft, squadron patches, bomber wine corks, and Aircraft art posters. The Global Power Museum depicts how the bomber has advanced over the ages with new technology, and with it, the ability to always stay one step ahead of those who would seek to destroy this great nation.

Entertainment: 3
Educational: 4
Price: N/A
Cafe: N/A
Gift Shop: 4
Overall: 4

Additional Information

Address: 88 Shreveport Rd, Barksdale AFB, LA
*NOTE* While this Museum is on a military installation, it is open to civilians. You must enter through the visitors center which is right next to the museum and you must have a Government Issued ID to get through the gate.

Hours of Operation:
Sun - Sat: 9:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Closed on Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years Day

Price: Admission is Free, Donations are welcome.

For More information, visit: http://barksdaleglobalpowermuseum.com/

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