17 June 2014

Lincoln County Pioneer Museum (RT66)

Oklahoma seems to be famous for a lot of things. From the local hangout of wild west outlaws, to the famous Route 66. Of course life wasn't all it was cracked up to be like it is now. Times were hard and the average lifespan was considerably shorter than it is today. To give you just a small taste what pioneer life was is what the Lincoln County Pioneer Museum offers to show. There are plenty of old artifacts from the old days in the museum and some of them will make you wonder how the early pioneers kept sane let alone survived. As you enter the museum, one of the first things you will see is a the remaining items of Avery Oklahoma, which is one of the many ghost towns here in Oklahoma. Close by to that is a car invoice made in chandler back in 1926. If only we could pay $500 now for a car.

From here, head into the next room where there is a plethora of old artifacts. Here you can see the dress of the day art made of Famous Oklahoma Olympian Jim Thorpe, and art made of the famous gunfighter Bill Tilghman who you will see more if later on in the exhibit. Chandler is also known for the invention of the Parking meter....We apologize. Also be sure to check out this unused fire extinguished from 1900. Still with the contents inside.

From here, make your way past the large antique camera collection where you will see a group of antique violins next to several intricately made eggshell art. There is a collection of several guns nearby as well including one unique gun that used a fuse instead of a trigger to fire. You will also see an article of two bank robbers made by Henry Starr, son of Infamous Belle Starr. Like mother like son it seems. Next to the article is an antique Printing press and Linotype machine.

Now from here, you can go one of two ways. One way will take you into what a pioneer kitchen might look like back in the day. Go the other way upstairs and you will enter the Military collection. Up stairs the first item you will see is a 45 star flag. The collection has items from the civil war, all the way up to the modern day. Some particular items of interest at the WWI uniform of a fallen Oklahoma Guardsman and A collection of Confederate States of America (CSA) Bank Notes.

In the last area of the museum, venture into the mind of Marshall Bill Tilghman and his collection of artifacts including his Law books. After that, check out your typical pioneer school house. After seeing some of the artifacts, including the rules of being a teacher back in 1915, I can sure say I am glad we have progressed from that point. From here, venture into the area where you will see what a typical Medical facility was like back in the say as well as a pioneer house living room and childrens room was like.

After visiting the museum, you may come to have a greater understanding to the harder life that the early pioneers lived and leave with a greater appreciation for the modern amenities we have today. Be sure to visit the gift shop for the usual souvenir as well as some Route 66 Memorabilia books, and even edible treats. Also If you would like to do some research or look up your ancestors in the Lincoln County, visit the small library next to the gift shop.

Entertainment: 3
Educational: 4
Price: 4
Cafe: N/A
Gift Shop: 3
Overall: 4

Additional Information

Address: 717 Manvel Ave.

Hours Operation:
Tues - Sat. 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Closed on Sunday and Monday

Price: Admission is Free and donations are welcome

For more Information, visit: http://www.travelok.com/listings/view.profile/id.4530

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