17 June 2014

Krebs Heritage Museum

One of my earlier posts was done on a small town museum in McLoud Oklahoma. Well this one is is located in the even smaller town of Krebs Oklahoma. It used to be an old mining town and as a result has items that detail part of this towns history. A lot of the items however in this town are replicas but it shows a little of what of the history that is in Krebs. One part of the museum is dedicated to all the major families of Krebs and some of the items that tell of that families history such as these old mining helmets.

Quite a few people served in the various wars that this country has been involved in. Back then taking items from the enemy to keep as sort of a memento was a common occurrence. One such interesting item is on display at the museum. Someone from Krebs who probably served in WWI passed this Prussian battle helmet to his kids and grand kids until they donated it to the museum.

Then you have the items that can send a chill up your spine. Once again, someone from Krebs helped in the invasion of West Germany back in WWII and picked up this German Luger as well as what looks to be A Nazi Youth exercise outfit.

The museum take about 15 minutes to walk around through and view all the items but some of the items you probably will not find anywhere else so it is certainly worth visiting this museum. The gift shop sells only three items. T-shirts, Hats and Mugs. Admission is free but like all small town museums, donations are accepted.

Entertainment: 2
Educational: 3
 Price: N/A
Gift Shop: 3
Overall: 3

Additional Information

Address: 85 S. Main, Krebs OK

Hours of Operation:
Thurs - Sat 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Price: Free Admission. Donations Accepted

For More Information visit: http://www.krebsmuseum.com/

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