17 June 2014

Krebs Heritage Museum

One of my earlier posts was done on a small town museum in McLoud Oklahoma. Well this one is is located in the even smaller town of Krebs Oklahoma. It used to be an old mining town and as a result has items that detail part of this towns history. A lot of the items however in this town are replicas but it shows a little of what of the history that is in Krebs. One part of the museum is dedicated to all the major families of Krebs and some of the items that tell of that families history such as these old mining helmets.

Quite a few people served in the various wars that this country has been involved in. Back then taking items from the enemy to keep as sort of a memento was a common occurrence. One such interesting item is on display at the museum. Someone from Krebs who probably served in WWI passed this Prussian battle helmet to his kids and grand kids until they donated it to the museum.

Then you have the items that can send a chill up your spine. Once again, someone from Krebs helped in the invasion of West Germany back in WWII and picked up this German Luger as well as what looks to be A Nazi Youth exercise outfit.

The museum take about 15 minutes to walk around through and view all the items but some of the items you probably will not find anywhere else so it is certainly worth visiting this museum. The gift shop sells only three items. T-shirts, Hats and Mugs. Admission is free but like all small town museums, donations are accepted.

Entertainment: 2
Educational: 3
 Price: N/A
Gift Shop: 3
Overall: 3

Additional Information

Address: 85 S. Main, Krebs OK

Hours of Operation:
Thurs - Sat 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Price: Free Admission. Donations Accepted

For More Information visit: http://www.krebsmuseum.com/

Lincoln County Pioneer Museum (RT66)

Oklahoma seems to be famous for a lot of things. From the local hangout of wild west outlaws, to the famous Route 66. Of course life wasn't all it was cracked up to be like it is now. Times were hard and the average lifespan was considerably shorter than it is today. To give you just a small taste what pioneer life was is what the Lincoln County Pioneer Museum offers to show. There are plenty of old artifacts from the old days in the museum and some of them will make you wonder how the early pioneers kept sane let alone survived. As you enter the museum, one of the first things you will see is a the remaining items of Avery Oklahoma, which is one of the many ghost towns here in Oklahoma. Close by to that is a car invoice made in chandler back in 1926. If only we could pay $500 now for a car.

From here, head into the next room where there is a plethora of old artifacts. Here you can see the dress of the day art made of Famous Oklahoma Olympian Jim Thorpe, and art made of the famous gunfighter Bill Tilghman who you will see more if later on in the exhibit. Chandler is also known for the invention of the Parking meter....We apologize. Also be sure to check out this unused fire extinguished from 1900. Still with the contents inside.

From here, make your way past the large antique camera collection where you will see a group of antique violins next to several intricately made eggshell art. There is a collection of several guns nearby as well including one unique gun that used a fuse instead of a trigger to fire. You will also see an article of two bank robbers made by Henry Starr, son of Infamous Belle Starr. Like mother like son it seems. Next to the article is an antique Printing press and Linotype machine.

Now from here, you can go one of two ways. One way will take you into what a pioneer kitchen might look like back in the day. Go the other way upstairs and you will enter the Military collection. Up stairs the first item you will see is a 45 star flag. The collection has items from the civil war, all the way up to the modern day. Some particular items of interest at the WWI uniform of a fallen Oklahoma Guardsman and A collection of Confederate States of America (CSA) Bank Notes.

In the last area of the museum, venture into the mind of Marshall Bill Tilghman and his collection of artifacts including his Law books. After that, check out your typical pioneer school house. After seeing some of the artifacts, including the rules of being a teacher back in 1915, I can sure say I am glad we have progressed from that point. From here, venture into the area where you will see what a typical Medical facility was like back in the say as well as a pioneer house living room and childrens room was like.

After visiting the museum, you may come to have a greater understanding to the harder life that the early pioneers lived and leave with a greater appreciation for the modern amenities we have today. Be sure to visit the gift shop for the usual souvenir as well as some Route 66 Memorabilia books, and even edible treats. Also If you would like to do some research or look up your ancestors in the Lincoln County, visit the small library next to the gift shop.

Entertainment: 3
Educational: 4
Price: 4
Cafe: N/A
Gift Shop: 3
Overall: 4

Additional Information

Address: 717 Manvel Ave.

Hours Operation:
Tues - Sat. 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Closed on Sunday and Monday

Price: Admission is Free and donations are welcome

For more Information, visit: http://www.travelok.com/listings/view.profile/id.4530

16 June 2014

Chandler Ice Cream Festival

They say good things always come in pairs. Tom & Jerry, Bread and Butter, etc. Well Oklahoma has not one, but two ice cream festivals. Not to be confused with the Tuttle Ice Cream Festival, this festival is considerably smaller and is hosted by a different dairy company. The Tuttle Ice Cream festival is hosted by Braums, where as Chandler Ice Cream festival is hosted By Hiland Dairy. The festival once a year on the second weekend every June. The Ice Cream is free for the taking but only comes in 4 flavors.Among the small park are inflatables and face painting  for this kids, and a zip line for the older folks.

Most of the local vendors offer food instead of unique items for sale. Nothing I found was over $10 so you will certainly be saving a buck. There were a few vendors like the local 4-H that was selling flavor wood smoke in a can made for your grill.

The Chandler Ice cream festival might be small but you get free ice cream, entertainment for the kids and a good juicy burger for the small amount of time you are there. So next year, visit the Tuttle Ice cream festival In May, and the Chandler Ice Cream festival in June.

Entertainment: 3
Educational: N/A
Price: 4
Cafe: N/A
Gift Shop: N/A
Overall: 4

Additional Information

Address: Tilghman Park, Chandler, OK

Hours of Operation: 2nd Saturday of June 12 p.m. - 5 p.m.

For more Information, visit: http://www.travelok.com/listings/view.profile/id.17950

Heard Natural Science Museum and Sanctuary

We all know Mother Nature can be quite interesting, especially since she is quite unpredictable. Well here at Heard Natural Science Museum and Sanctuary, you can see, touch, and even smell just a taste of what mother nature has to offer. As you step into the exhibit, the first part features the very beginning of Natural Science....Dinosaurs. If you have kids, they will be able to become little paleontologists when they dig into a replica dinosaur discovery interactive exhibit.

From here, move to the more modern day where you can hold different rocks and experience different smells like a grey fox or a pine forest, they can even see a real life honeycomb. They do have a skunk smell too but I am pretty sure no one wants smells that.  Also in the area is a massive chunk of a tree where you can learn how to read the different rings of the tree. From here we will jump back in time again to see the fossilized remains to various creatures as well as minerals found here in North America. One particular item on display is a Gemstone Window.

As you journey from this room, you will come into the live animals room where you will see an assortment of snakes, spiders and other animals like this curious owl.

From here take a small detour into the room of Texas cave rocks. You can actually touch some of them and your kids can make up their own cave drawings. WARNING!!! A large chunk of Obsidian is on display and available to touch. Certain areas are sharp and can cut, so if your child wants to touch it, you might want to guide his or her hand to prevent it from getting cut. Get back on the path and make your way into the Sea exhibit. Millions of Years ago (depending on what you believe) Texas was underwater. As a result creatures like this Mosasaur roamed the seas. Yikes

When you exit this area, you will have arrived full circle back to the entrance. However there is still more to explore. The Sanctuary part features 289 acres of hiking trails, more animal exhibits and even a mock pioneer village for the kids. I wouldnt suggest going in midsummer as Texas can get quite hot and unless you are prepared to beat the heat, It wouldnt be a good idea to go hiking. Also, Be on the lookout for snakes. Because this is a wildlife sanctuary, any of the animals outdoors are in their natural habitat and may not like you being on their turf. Before you leave, be sure to visit the gift shops. The usual stuff like T-shirts, mugs, and trinkets are here but they also have toys for the kids, water for the hiking trails, and even animal shaped cookie cutters.

Entertainment: 4
Educational: 4
Cafe: N/A
Giftshop: 3
Overall: 4

Additional Information

Address: 1 Nature Pl., McKinney, TX

Hours of Operation: 
Tues - Sat. 9 a.m - 5 p.m.
Sun: 1 p.m. - 5 p.m.
Mondays: Closed
Closed on Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years Day
Open until 3 p.m. on Christmas Eve and New Years Eve.

Price: See website for details. Price varies based on Season

For More information, visit: http://www.heardmuseum.org/

06 June 2014

Robbers Cave National Park

Every State has at least one national park. For Wyoming it is Yellowstone. For North Dakota its Mount Rushmore. Well here in Oklahoma one of our national parks is Robbers Cave National Park. Why is it called Robbers cave you ask? Because some of the most infamous outlaws of the wild west like Belle Starr, and Jesse James hid in the caves that came to be known as Robbers cave. It isn't much to look now because much of the cave has collapsed but what is left is still an interesting place to go to. Even as you climb on top of the hill face the view is absolutely spectacular. If you tread carefully and are lucky enough. You might even see the local lizard

Now like any National park, they have camping grounds, RV parks, a lake to go swimming in and a gift shop. This park however also has a swimming pool and a snow cone stand for the summer months. As for the gift shop, it is filled with all sorts of camping and survival equipment as well as your regular items like T-shirts, mugs, and caps. The price to enter the free but the price to get a cabin, park your RV or make a campsite varies with what you want. Be sure to check the website for a listing of all the prices.

Entertainment: 3
Educational: 3
Price: 4
Cafe: N/A
Gift Shop: 3
Overall: 3

Additional Information

Address: 2300 Park Cabins Rd. Wilburton, OK

Hours of Operation: Sun- Sat: 8 am - 8pm

Price: Visit the site for all prices.

For more information, visit: http://www.travelok.com/listings/view.profile/id.6415?=Search_Mobile_Google_RobbersCaveStatePark

McLoud Oklahoma, Museum

Oklahoma like any other state has its fair share of small towns. However, it is what defines that small town is what makes them interesting. For instance, take McLoud, Oklahoma. One of the first doctors here, Dr. Jesse Mooney, Jr. helped one of the most notorious outlaws in the wild west, Belle Starr. Now like nearly every small town, they have some sort of historical society or small town museum telling of the history of the town. The McLoud Museum is one such museum. It is housed in what used to be a skating rink, an aviation parts storage facility and a car dealership. The items in here are not only from McLoud but also from the small town of Dale, which is known for housing The Grand Casino. One of these items is an old Aviators life vest, probably from World War II next to a fallout shelter sign that was probably used during the 60's during the Cold War scare.

As you go throughout the small museum you will notice things that might catch your eye. One of these was a town dog registry. Apparently whenever you owned a dog, you also had to pay a tax for each dog you owned. In order to be accountable to pay the tax, you had to register your dog with the City.

If you are a big baseball fan then you might recognize the names of Paul and Lloyd Waner a.k.a Big and Little Poison of the Pittsburgh Pirates back in the 1930's. They were born in a little town not too far from McLoud called Harrah.  As you venture from one part of the museum into the garage area, you will see and horse carriage and an actual winter horse sled. One unique item in the garage is the Wooden Butter churner. Probably wouldn't want to put butter in it now.

The whole museum with guided tour takes maybe about 30 minutes if you want to learn a little about everything in the museum. Admission is free but they do take donations. They want to eventually grow to include more items to show to the public so any funds are greatly appreciated. The gift shop doesn't include much with outside of the normal stuff like shirts and mugs. some of the more unique items you can buy are jars of 100% real local honey, tissue holders made of stitched cloth and a book call Mattie In search of God that tells the story of Mattie Ross a McLoud native. The McLoud Museum is a small museum but has many unique vintage artifacts that all tell an interesting story.

Entertainment: 2
Educational: 3
Price: N/A
Cafe: N/A
Gift Shop: 3
Overall: 3

Additional Information

Address: 421 W. Broadway McLoud, OK

Hours Of Operation: Only Opened to the public on Friday from 10 am - 3 pm. However call for an Appointment: (405) 964-5169

Price: Free Admission but Donations accepted

For More Information visit: http://www.mcloudhistoricalsociety.org/