04 January 2014

Upcoming Series: Route 66 Attractions

Very soon, I will be having a new series of attractions that is based along the Route 66 Highway. I originally wanted to do it all as one entry, except given the fact that Route 66 runs all the way from Chicago, IL. to Los Angeles, CA, the entry would be a mile and a half long. So instead of having it all in one, I decided to break it up. From now on, when you see this next to the title, (RT66), You will know its a Route 66 Attraction.

UPDATE: After many months of being unable to visit a Route 66 Attraction because of school and most recently unemployment. As of June 2014 I was finally able to visit not just one but 3 of them. The first Route 66 attraction will be posted up on 17 June 2014. I do apologize for the long wait time.

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