03 November 2013

New Content Coming Soon....I promise

Hello out there, those of you who view my blog from time to time. First off let me say that I apologize for not putting up new content. So let me explain why I have not posted up anything new. First off, I work full time at a place called Atlantic Aviation. What do we do? We service insanely expensive private aircraft, such as Gulf streams, Cessna Citation series, Lear Jets, Etc. I get to meet some cool people and see some pretty interesting aircraft.  Such as this Fully restored, 1956 Twin Radial engine Beech 17.  She's a beauty huh?

Now if going to work for 40+ hours a week wasn't stressful enough. I also go to school in hopes of becoming a certified A&P Mechanic. A&P stands for Air frame and Power plant, and is a Federal license to be able to do real maintenance on aircraft. There are three tests for each of the three areas in the A&P Program. A Written, Oral, and Practical exam for General, Air frame, and Power plant and over all, I have to study for 42 different sections.

Ok so maybe that's not the BEST picture of me to show when I say I want to fix planes, but you get the idea  So on most days, I wake up, go to school, go to work, and go straight home to bed only to wake up and do the whole routine again. That means there isn't much time to go gallivanting around checking out new hot spots and museums so I can show the rest of the world how cool some of these places really are. Now as of recently, I have been getting mini-breaks between classes and work. However the little time I do have has been spent studying for my written exams or investigating possible jobs outside of Oklahoma relating to aircraft maintenance.

In short, I do apologize for not being able to update by blog as much as I would like, But I promise that within a few short weeks, I should have something new (finally) to show you. Thank you very much for checking out my blog, and I hope you will continue to show your support for American Attractions.


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