01 April 2013

Kings Village

You may be thinking to yourself, Ok, I understand why you would list towns as attractions, but shopping centers?! What could possibly be so interesting about a shopping center? Actually the Kings Village in Hawaii, during certain times, can be very interesting especially when the Kings Guard Drill team is introduced. It's a very small shopping center that houses about ten shops, give or take a few. There is also a restaurant, which I highly recommend, especially if your into the 60's era style. Now, your also probably wondering why they call it the KINGS Village. Before Hawaii became a state back in 1959, it was officially a monarchy. The last person to rule before the monarchy was abolished was the one and only Queen Lili'uokalani after which it became a US Territory with a governor. The Kings Guard represent the original guard complete with old style uniforms.

The show starts every day at 6:15 p.m. with the lowering of the Hawaiian flag. However, only on Tuesday does the full show take place. Before the show they have a little farmers market where you can get all sorts of authentic Hawaiian food. After the show, they allow you to pose with members of Kings Guard, even holding their rifle.

Entertainment: 4
Educational: 3
Cafe: 4
Price: N/A
Gift Shop: N/A
Overall: 4

Additional Information

131 Kaiulani Avenue, Honolulu, HI

Hours of Operation
Sun - Sat.: 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 p.m.

For more information, visit: www.kings-village.com  Note: might want to lower your speaker volume!

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