24 November 2012


Welcome to the World of American Tourist Attractions. Please note that this page is ALWAYS being updated with new attractions and information. This site is for information of tourist hot spots  Each location will be given with hours of operation, addresses, a review, pictures, and ratings. Here is how the rating system works. Each location is rated on a 1 - 5 scale; 1 being the worst, 5 being the absolute best.  There are Category Ratings in 6 different areas:  Entertainment, Educational, Price, Gift shop, the Cafe if applicable, and an Overall rating. These should give you an idea if an attraction is worth your time and money. Please note that a 5 rating is very rare. In order to earn a 5 in one or more of the Categories, that Category must be jaw dropping, mind blowing, and eye popping amazing.  The Overall Rating will be an average of the Category Ratings total.  Because I am based in Oklahoma, the majority of the locations starting off will be in, of course, Oklahoma. Also, I do not list theaters as they are a well known attraction in and of themselves UNLESS they depict a certain style, such as a 40's era type movie theater. I also will not do casinos since all people do there is gamble, wheres the fun in that?

Picture Credit: www.postthisinc.com/images/touristcrossing.jpg

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