18 May 2013

May Daze Festival (Blanchard, OK)

The Beginning of Summer usually means the beginning of several things. Snow cones, summer swimming, gorgeous girls tanning, and my personal favorite, garage sales. The nice thing about garage sales is some people know what they have, and will sell accordingly, while others don't know what they have....and sell it anyways. This is where the May Daze Festival comes in. Blanchard Oklahoma is a small town in and of itself, so imagine the entire town getting into a garage sale frenzy.

Of course, you cant have a festival without vendors, unhealthy carnival food, and carnival rides. Just don't ride anything right AFTER eating the food. Most of the vendors are local entrepreneurs who want to bring their new, and sometimes unique products, to the local unknowing populace. One of these unique items is the apple spread from the Southern Okie business. It may seem odd, but as the saying goes, Don't knock it 'til you've tried it. By the way, having apple butter on your toast is like having a party in your mouth.

There are other vendors who offer local flavors of various tastes. Some of them offer various products and services, such as Traveling Tails which show various exotic animals, and Rada Cutlery which offers super sharp knives to cut yourself...I mean your steaks with.

What festival is complete without music? If your a bluegrass fan, check out the local band Dutch Creek, who not only plays in the May Daze Festival but also in the Bluegrass Festival.  This is also in Blanchard and takes place on August 23rd and 24th. After you have completed your shopping, take the kiddos, and even yourself, on the festival rides where you will twist, turn, flip, and slide until you throw up....please don't though.

The festival is a two day event, so if you wanted to hit up all the garage sales one day, and the festival the next, you would have every opportunity to do that. May Daze is an annual event that happens only on the third weekend of May. However, even if you should miss the festival, there will still be garage sales going on, usually until the middle of fall when things start to cool down. So next year, if you're interested in finding great deals on second hand items, visit Blanchard for the May Daze Festival. You won't be disappointed.

Additional Information

Address: Main st. Blanchard OK, 73010

Hours of Operation: 3rd weekend of May (Fri- Sat) 10:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.

If you would like to order any of the products mentioned above, look below for information:

Dutch Creek Bluegrass Band: www.dutchcreekbluegrass.com

Rada Cutlery: (405)685-0133 Ask for Don or Anita Hill

Southern Okie Gourmet Apple Spread: www.southernokie.com

Thank you to the above small business for letting me use you in this blog entry!